Aurelien Giraud, Unstoppable skater

Aurelien Giraud  skater

Changing the skateboarding paradigm

Skateboarding is all about being happy on a board, apart from opinions and judgements. But the truth is that it is full of unwritten rules that are supposed to be unbreakable. By the way, there are always skaters changing the skateboarding paradigm, this article is just about that: Aurelien Giraud, Unstoppable skater.

A different way of skateboarding

During the last years skateboarding changed a lot. Skateboarding has been considered a way of life instead a sport or training. Skaters have been always part of a small community with a similar way of life.

Lately, big brands and companies such as Nike or Adidas have contributed on growing skateboarding, so it has became an sport and right now is in every corner in the world.

Street league

Different people on terms of way of life, clothing, music and preferences are now in love with skateboarding. So it gets harder and harder to fit the unwritten rules of skateboarding. So,wha happens when something that doesn’t follow the rules gets trendy and influential?

How to become pro by Instagram

Some skaters already changed rules on skateboardig, people with a strong personality that become skate icons. Tom Penny did it with his style, Dylan Rieder (R.I.P.) did it with his unique clothing and style.

Tom Penny Skate
Dylan Rieder Skate

Now i’s time for Instagram generation, social media has been a cool that changed the course of things. During the 90’s and specially before we had Internet at home, skateboarding was a minority sport and not supported by media.

Skateboarding videos before social media

Before social media, the only way to be updated about skateboarding scene was through newspapers and VHS videotapes. The skate video parts cult was born in that era. People were excited waiting for the brands releasing some new brand video. By the way, skaters and brands were sepending all the year (or even more) filming video clips to get his video ready.

Skate videos VHS

At the same time, getting some trick in some spot is not easy at all, so some clips have a special value. Most of the brands and skaters are not posting the best videos on the social media in order to keep them for the brand video. This way of work on video production terms is something latent in skateboarding.

Another important point is that the transition from amateur to pro for a skateboarder used to be done with an amazing video part.

Aurelien Giraud Skate

This is the paradigm Aurelien Giraud is changing in skateboarding. Using Instagram as a tool, to show his skateboarding skills to the worl.

Exploiting the personal brand as skater

So the main thing is sharing all the content through a personal profile, Aurelien is sharing a bomb clip per day, and keeps the value in his own social media instead of the brand.

That is breaking all the rules about how media have been working through the years in two ways.

Aurelien Giraud, el skater imparable

Some years ago, people and skaters were tuned with brands and newspapers, because they are the ones controlling all the media stuff. Nowadays you can find content on brands channels, newspapers and media channels, and the skater channels.

So the skater starts exploiting his personal brand as skater. Obviously, skaters keep skating for brands and producing content, but some of them like Aurelien Giraud are not waiting to share the best content they produce. He poromotes it in his own social media, keeping the value of the content for himself.

From purism to stretching

The most curious thing is that Aurelien is not much involved in what happens in the industry and skate scene. He just skate, and people loves how he skate.

A real athlete that spend a lot of hours on his skateboard and he stretches every day with it.

Aurelien Giraud Rail Basqe

A young gun with a unique style and a crazy pop, he just post his best tricks in social media. Just doing that he is changing the skateboarding paradigm, so he is just Aurelien Giraud, unstoppable skater.

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